Multilingual User Management Version 2.1

Created: 01.Aug.2017
By: mimtiyaz

Multilingual User ManagementWelcome to Multilingual User Management, a fully responsive, user friendly and full featured multilingual web application. This application is built on Microsoft .NET using the popular Bootstrap framework which allows users to easily integrate any existing project. It comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit with the rest of the elements. It supports four languages: English, Arabic, Russian and French. More languages can be added as needed.

This application is designed using high quality scripts created by mimtiyaz exclusively for CodeCanyon

# Documentation Scope

This documentation is targetted to explain the installation and guide to use this application. All files are organized and are easily editable. To get a deeper understanding of the code, open the HTML, JS, CS, SQL file and read through the commented code.


# System Requirements

In order to install this application, your server must meet the following requirements:

  1. Microsoft IIS 7/6
  2. .NET Framework 4.0 or above
  3. 4.0 or above
  4. SQL Server 2008 or above

# Installation Steps

Follow the steps below to install this application:

  1. Download the file which you have purchased.
  2. Extract the Zip file which you have downloaded. You will find three folders in it.
    • Database
    • Help File
    • Source Code

In Database folder, open SQL Database Script file "MUM_v2.1.sql" in SQL Query Analyzer and execute it. The database will be created.

To run the application, open "MUM_CC_v2.1.sln" file available in Source Code folder.


Multilingual User Management uses system's default localization to allow you to translate it to any language you want. All translation files are located in App_LocalResources folder in the respective directories.

# Available Locales

You can switch among following locales:
  • English
  • Arabic (Right to Left)
  • Russian
  • French
More locales will be added in the future.

Authentication & Registration

# Logging In

After accessing the multilingual user management application's URL, user will be automatically redirected to the login page. Users are able to login by typing their usernames or email and password. Login form is displayed below:


# Registration

Users are able to access the registration form and create new account by clicking the Don't have an account? link on login page and filling up the registration form. Registration form is displayed below:


After successful registration, an email will be sent to the registered email address to authenticate the user. Click the "Confirm Now" button in the email and activate your account.

NOTE: Email authentication is required to access the account.

# Recover Password

In case that some users forgot their password, they will be able to reset it from Forgot Password form available, after clicking Forgot your password? link on login page. Reset password form is displayed below:

Recover Password

To retrieve the password, provide the email address used at the time of registration. Once the email is confirmed, password will be sent at the registered email address.


Dashboard are able to see some system stats on their dashboard page. There are basically two dashboards in this application, one is for Admin and another is for User.

# Admin Dashboard

Admin can see the following contents on their dashboard:

  1. Total number of users
  2. Users registered for the current month
  3. Number of active users
  4. Number of inactive users
  5. Stats for users registration (Chart)
  6. Recent inbox messages
  7. Recently registered users

The following image shows the Admin Dashboard:

Admin Dashboard

# User Dashboard

User can see the following contents on their dashboard:

  1. Stats for recent activity Logs
  2. Recent inbox messages

The following image shows the User Dashboard:

User Dashboard

Key Points

  • Messages with red envelope indicates unread message and messages with green envelope indicates read messages.

An individual user rather than "Admin" is restricted to perform the following actions:

  • Access to users list is denied
  • Cannot add a new user
  • Access to list of roles is denied
  • Cannot add a new role
  • Access to list of permission is denied
  • Cannot add a new permission

# Switching language

User can switch to any languages just by clicking the button located at the top right corner of the page (For LTR Interface). The demo image is displayed below:

Switching Language

# User Profile

Every user of the system, no matter what's his role is, is able to update his profile. Link to user's profile is available at the top right corner (For LTR Interface), like it is displayed below:

User Profile

# User Details

On Profile Details page, users can update their basic informations like First Name, Last Name etc. Also, they are able to update their country from a list of available countries, or to update their birthday using easy bootstrap calendar plugin.

User Details

# Authentication

On Authentications tab, every user is able to update his login details including email, username and password. If password field is empty when users click "Update Personal Details" button, password will not be updated.


# Photo

Uploading photo is easy. By clicking "Choose Image" button and selecting any image file and clicking the "Save Photo" button, the photo will be updated.



# New User Registration

Users can be added with the appropriate roles and permissions. The form for adding new user is displayed below.

New User Registration

# Manage Users

Users list page represent the list of all users. Users can be filtered by their status and are searchable by almost all attributes (email, dob, phone, etc..)

Manage Users

# User Details

Users can view the profiles from the list by clicking "pencil" icon for specific users on users list page. This will open the page which is displayed when "Profile" button is clicked.

Roles & Permissions

# Creating New Role

Users can add unlimited number of roles. Form for adding new role, and editing existing roles, is provided below.

Creating New Role

# Manage Roles

Users can add unlimited number of roles and use them to customize the application. The list also displays the numbers of users with the respective role. The "Trash” button is displayed only for the roles with are not used by any user. Page with the list of roles is given below:

Manage Roles

# Creating New Permission

Users can add unlimited number of permissions for a specific roles. Dropdown list for role is disabled when editing any permission in the form. Form for adding new permission, and editing existing permission, is provided below:

Creating New Permission

# Manage Permissions

Users can add unlimited number of permissions for a specific role.Page with the list of permissions with their respective role is given below:

Manage Permission


Communication between users is easy, Users can communicate with each other by sending or receiving messages. Either simple text message or HTML drafted messages can be send using message service.

# Create New Message

Messages can be send to single user or multiple users simultaneously just by choosing the usernames from the To address field. Form for sending new message is given below:

Create New Message

# Inbox Messages

User are able to see their messages they received in the following form:

Inbox Message

The red envelope indicates that the message is unread and the green envelope indicates that the message is read.

# Sent Messages

Users can view the messages sent to others in the following form:

Sent Message

# Trash Messages

Users can view the trash messages in the following form:

Trash Message

In this form if the delete button is clicked, the message will be permanently removed.

# Detailed Message

To view the message details, click the subject of message from the list. Form to see the detail message is as follows:

Detailed Message

Activity Log

Activity logs display the changed made in the user data that can be viewed by administrator / user to gain insight about the activities respective of the user privilege.

The activity log displays several types of information, an activity log page can be viewed as follows:

Activity Log



21.Aug.2017 | Version 2.1
  • Email authentication feature is added
  • Umm Al-Qura datetime picker is added for arabic interface
  • Code is optimized
  • Fixed small bugs
  • Documentation updated
01.Aug.2017 | Version 2.0
  • First Release


How do I get notified of new versions?
The best option is to visit mimtiyaz every now and then for updates and announcements.

Thank you for purchasing my application. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here.